Equities researchers at Oppenheimer began coverage on shares to Kate Spade & Company (NASDAQ: KATE) in a research report granted on Thursday, TheFlyOnTheWall. com answers. The firm set a "market perform" rating on the stock. Most of the analysts noted that the move must have been a valuation call.

Several other analysts in addition have recently commented on the stock. Experts at BBVA initiated coverage on top of shares of Kate Spade iPhone 5 case and all about Company in a research note on top of Wednesday. They set a "buy" rating and a $35. 00 selling target on the stock. Analysts upon BB&T Corp. initiated coverage on top of shares of Kate Spade and all about Company in a research note on top of Tuesday. They set a "buy" rating and a $35. 00 selling target on the stock. They documented that the move was a valuation speak to. Analysts at Wedbush initiated insurance policies plan on shares of Kate Spade & Company in a research beurteilung on Wednesday, May 13th. Some people set an "outperform" rating in addition to $39. 00 price target for that stock. Finally, analysts at Mortgage of America initiated coverage on top of shares of Kate Spade and all about Company in a research note on top of Tuesday, May 12th. They keep a "buy" rating on the normal. Three investment analysts have rated the exact stock with a hold rating so seven have given a get rating to the company. The company on the has a consensus rating of "Buy" and a consensus target price of $37. 33.
Shares of Kate Spade & Company (NASDAQ: KATE) dealt with down 1 . 15% on Saturday, hitting $24. 84. The normal had a trading volume of 886, 215 shares. Kate Spade & Online business} has a 52 week low to $24. 07 and a 52 some days high of $42. 87. The stock's 50-day moving average is $31. and its 200-day moving average might be $31.. The company has a market body of $3. 17 billion in addition to price-to-earnings ratio of 55. 34.
Kate Spade & Company (NASDAQ: KATE) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, May possibly possibly 7th. The company reported $0. goal EPS for the quarter, beating the exact Thomson Reuters consensus estimate to $0. 02 by $0. 01. The company had revenue of $255. 00 million for the quarter, set alongside the consensus estimate of $244. 92 % of million. During the same quarter throughout prior year, the company posted ($0. 06) earnings per share. Most of the company's quarterly revenue was approach 14. 2% on a year-over-year method. Analysts expect that Kate Spade & Company will post $0. 54 EPS for the current denunciante year.
Kate Spade & This really is, formerly Fifth & Pacific Solutions Inc, designs and markets one particular portfolio of retail-based, premium producers, including JUICY COUTURE, KATE SPADE and LUCKY BRAND. The Company likewise has a private brand jewelry design and development apartado, which markets brands through shopping centers and serves J. C.
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