Saturday, October 3, 2015

National is accused of charging the Red tourism routes stone fortress scenic

Stone fort information

Wuhan Xinhua News on October 4, Xinhua News Agency recently reported the country theme of the war the Red tourism routes stone fortress someone at random 20 per visit fees charged within the tourist area, a raised concerns. Scenic area management unit Yichang Three Gorges Dam tourism group the evening of October 3 in response, shipai War Museum open to visitors free, lax is the area while the local villagers Memorial comes as to deceive the visitor, now to education and corrections. Breaking News

On October 1, of Zhuhai in Guangdong Province Wu Shi Pai fortress tourist area, and many thousands of tourists visit the stone War Memorial, by unidentified men stopped, the man said, "to go or pay 20 Yuan admission fee or rent an old military uniform" except Wu paid rental clothing have access outside the Memorial Hall, other visitors are "please" area.

After reporters learned of this situation, then get in touch with scenic area management unit, after verification, shipai War Memorial free attractions, there is no charge or forcibly leased the clothing rules. Due to the scenic area management unit failed to stop the charges, prompting visitor dissatisfaction, following the media reports on the matter received wide attention.

The evening of October 3, scenic area management unit Yichang Three Gorges Dam tourism group responded that the stone War Memorial open to visitors free, 11 golden week, in response to the surge in visitors, area all management personnel to key nodes, Memorial to visit freely with no guide mode. Scenic village near Memorial Hall of a villager surnamed Xu at the lax, the tourists are deceived, "not out 20 costume rental fee, allowed into the Museum" for the intention of profit. After identification, the company was an end to this phenomenon, and criticism, banned its scenic spot for tourists in rental costumes.

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